Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Information on Benzodiazepine and a withdrawal method

At your risk, this post is not a medical advice:

What is written in this post has not been tried on Benzodiazepines.

Some information found by searching on Google with keywords: Tavor Benzodiazepine Instructions

(It can't be overemphasized that the medical industry is doing its best to inform the consumer. It is up to the consumer to read the instructions, side effects etc of any drug. Even for food.

The letters are small both on food packaging and drug instruction sheets as there is not much space. It is up to the consumer to use a magnifying glass, a blow up photocopying machine or printing the instructions or ingredients form the relevant internet downloaded files.)

Would exponential gradual withdrawal work even better?

See also next and other posts:

If someone decides to withdraw from anything a top Phychologist or Psychotherapist should closely supervise.

Exponential reduction is done by finding a suitable number below 1, eg 0.95, 0.99. 0.898 etc the calculating the next day dose from the previous day dose by multiplying with this number.

It is like the invest of interest rate. We multiply every result by the same number but the number is below 1. So the interest like say what a country owes does not tend to infinity. It just tends to 0.

The number will differ from individual to individual and its value can be arranged so that withdrawal can take place in months or years.

A top quality psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist is needed.

Inverse exponential curves have the property that there is half time of dose. If for example the halftime (according to which number is used) is 1 year this means that:

If the initial dose is say 1mg:

Next year it will be 1/2mg

The following year 1/4mg

The following year 1/8mg


The advantage of multiplying each day rather than each say month by a number increases resolution so that the reduction dosage curve is a smooth inverse exponential one. With many small steps. A microgram measuring device may be used. Always consult your psychotherapist or psychologist.

Another property is that the slope is greatest the first day (although the dose reduction can be very small according to the number being used) and reduction becomes increasingly gradual as days, weeks, months, years pass.

Could this number be named dosage reduction coefficient?

This method has already been tried successfully with 2 individuals withdrawing from Entact, Escitalopram.

Would it work for long term benzo taking?

Would it work for other drug, alcohol, cigarettes etc?

In order to find the less than 1 multiplying number we take the τth root of 0.5 where τ is half time. For how this is derived see:

At your risk. Always consult a top psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, physchotherapist.

Love is needed.

Withdrawal can be dangerous and has to taken very seriously.

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