Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Οταν λέμε εργαζομαςτε, παράγουμε έργο, when we say we do (produce) work

In fact work is energy. Energy is coming everyday from the sun. So everyday we get richer.

But for some reason past energy from the sun millions of years ago had been found during the last 100 or so years in the form of petroleum oil.

So we thought we became much richer.

In fact we do not produce energy.

The sun sends or had sent energy.

Discovering the stored energy made us more consumers of energy.

Economic crisis may be coming from the fact that we may have become more consumers of energy for everyday day than what the sun gives in real time per day for each one of us.

The sun gives energy to us.

We do not produce energy, we consume energy. For example we get energy from food but the food gets its energy from the sun. The plants produce Oxygen but this is done by photons from the sun making chlorophyll molecules on leaves vibrate faster so that it can break like a hammer the carbon Dioxide to Carbon and oxygen, CO2 to C and O2 [Pfeiffer], [Feynman]. When we inhale air, the oxygen slowly reacting keeps our body warm and not only.

We do not produce energy.

We are administrators of energy.

Much of what man, woman kind is doing is trying to reverse entropy events. For example putting things is control or order [Feynman].

This may be a good or a bad thing, it depends.


Feynman on YouTube on what is fire - Richard Feynman:

The Cell - John Pfeiffer - Life Science Libray

Distiction of past and future - Richard Feynman - YouTube

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