Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Inverse or natural log withdrawal from addiction

At your risk.

This is not a medical advice.

See also next today's post.

This is done by finding a suitable number below 1, eg 0.95, 0.99, 0.987, 0.87 etc and finding the next day dose from the previous day dose by multiplying with this number. The number will depend on individual and circumstances. A top psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist must always be consulted for as long it is needed.

The number will differ from individual and its value can be arranged so that withdrawal can take place in weeks, months or years.

A top quality psychotherapist, psychiatrist, neurologist, or psychologist is needed.

Inverse exponential curves have the property that there is half time of dosage. If for example the halftime (according to which number is used) is 1 year this means that:

If the initial dose is say 1mg.

Next year it will be 1/2mg

The following year 1/4mg

The following year 1/8mg

See how the more time passes by the less abrupt is the change. The greatest change in dosage takes place when withdrawal begins. So the multiplying coefficient or number must be chosen carefully. Etc

The advantage of multiplying each day by a number increases resolution so the reduction dosage curve is a smooth inverse exponential one.

Repeating, another property is that the slope is greatest the first day (although the dose reduction can be very small according to the multiplying number being used) and reduction becomes increasingly gradual as days, weeks, months, years pass.

Could this number be named dosage reduction coefficient?

This method has already been tried successfully with 2 individuals withdrawing from Entact, Escitalopram. One has been taking it of some years and could withdraw in some months. The other, and older male had been taking it for just a few weeks and could withdraw in about 1-2 months.

Would it work for long term benzo taking?

Would it work for other drug, alcohol, cigarette, beverage withdrawal etc?

Would it work for any withdrawal as the brain may be given inverse esponetial (or even inverse natural logarithm) time to adjust?

In order to find the less than 1 multiplying number we take the τth root of 0.5 where τ is half time. For how this is derived see:

At your risk.

This is not a medical advice.

Withdrawal from anything can be very dangerous and has to be taken very seriously. Consult a psychiatrist, psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist.

Love is needed.

See also next post.

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